  • 建筑修复
  • 建立检验
  • 商业/
  • 保护历史古迹
  • 室内建筑
  • 项目管理
  • 房地产开发
  • 呈现
  • 住宅建筑
  • 城市设计与发展


享受科学与设计的合作. 想要创造性地解决现实世界的设计问题. 


一群强大的同行和教授. 课程包括专业讲座, 实地考察旅行, 三维建模, 最先进的软件渲染和工作室学习. 


  • 建筑修复
  • 商业/机构架构
  • 房地产开发
  • 住宅建筑
  • 城市设计与发展

建筑是一门致力于人类环境设计的艺术. 建筑师关心的是美学, 社会, 环境, technological and psychological factors that influence the design of a building. 建筑师参与了成功, quality and appearance of a building within the context of a community and the city. 体系结构 is a dynamic profession that ranges from residential houses to large-scale urban buildings. 建筑师可以设计房子, 商业建筑, 博物馆, 学院科学楼, 和度假村, 还有许多其他类型的建筑.


成为一名建筑师, 你必须学会利用科学技术, and develop sensitivity for beauty in the design of space and form with material. 你必须培养对人和他们周围环境的深刻理解. 因为这项工作涵盖了很多不同的兴趣领域, the architect is best thought of as a professional who bridges different areas of study and blends them into a single, 重大的活动.


Architects work in architectural firms or accept positions with government, 公司或机构. Some architects become highly specialized; others remain generalists in the profession, 致力于一个项目的各个方面. 无论你的职业道路如何发展, it is necessary to first build a firm background that includes essential architectural knowledge and skills. 体系结构 provides a variety of interesting positions within the discipline. One can either work for an established architecture firm or create their own business. There are three typical areas in architecture which one can focus on (or one can do all three) once they begin working. 这三个方面是:项目的设计或美学方面, 工程的技术或物质方面, 或者作为工程建设中的施工联络人. Further, architecture is a scalable profession depending on one’s interests. 例如, the possible areas one can work in range from small-scale residential houses to large-scale skyscrapers.


The five-year Master of 体系结构 degree is fully accredited by the National Architectural 认证 Board (NAAB). 有关更多信息,请参阅: www.naab.org/home. 要成为有执照的建筑师需要获得认可的专业学位, completion of the Architectural Experience Program (AXP) and passing your state’s licensing examination.


The architecture program is a five-year professional course of study leading to a Master of 体系结构 degree. This degree is nationally accredited and recognized by all state architectural licensing boards. 学生获得建筑学学士学位, 专业前学位, 四年后. 在建筑预科学习的第一年, the curriculum addresses the understanding of the environment and our impact on nature. 除了满足一般教育和部门的要求, students take five 环境 design courses (ENVD) comprised of lecture courses, 绘画课程和设计基础课程. 从二年级开始, there is a selective admissions process where admitted students become architecture majors. We limit our studio courses to a maximum of 16 students to maintain a high level of student faculty contact. The program is a studio based model of education where students have high contact hours with their professors and learn problem solving techniques and design methodologies. The primary focus is on design thinking where students engage in individual and group projects that represent a vast array of design problems that require real-world solutions. Our primary focus is for students to learn to be great designers and leaders who engage the dynamic and emerging problems of the world with beautiful and thoughtful designs. Students will learn how to communicate their ideas through writing and public speaking in addition to traditional and new ways of thinking and communicating such as physical models, 图纸, 计算机动画和渲染和虚拟现实. 这个项目需要实地考察, a lecture series and invited outside professionals that help students focus on their own interests in architecture and create a project based on those interests.



  • Student chapters of the American Institute of 体系结构 Students; Tau Sigma Delta; Freedom by Design; U.S. Green Building Council; National Organization of Minority Architects
  • 年度招聘会
  • 学生组织的美术舞会,邀请嘉宾演讲
  • 与社区项目互动,如eFargo
  • 工作室实地考察美国.S. 城市
  • 访问讲师谁讲建筑和相关主题
  • 与景观建筑项目的联合工作室项目
  • 学期长期海外选择
  • Summer study opportunities in Europe and North America and an International Student Exchange Program
  • 春假出国留学选项
  • 暑期实习机会


  • Two remarkable buildings located in downtown Fargo: Klai Hall and Renaissance Hall
  • 3-D原型和打印
  • 3-D计算渲染和服务器群
  • 最先进的计算机实验室
  • 计算机辅助激光切割机和CNC
  • 大型文件打印机和扫描仪
  • 软件如GIS, CAD和三维渲染和建模
  • 大约18个建筑和景观建筑图书馆,000本书, 70份杂志订阅和36份,000年的幻灯片
  • 摄影及图像复制设备
  • 第二年到第五年的独立工作室空间


We suggest that students take high school courses in digital drawing and animation, 美术课, 比如从生活中汲取, 还有数学和科学课程,比如微积分, 三角学和物理学. 如果可能的话, we encourage high school students to take advance placement or college credit courses that could be substitutes for 乐虎电子 General Education requirements.


Transfer applicants are required to enter the architecture program at the first-year level. 完成学位需要五年的学习. Advanced standing is possible through a portfolio and transcript review process.


Approximately 64 architecture majors are selected for admission into the second year of the program. A student’s eligibility is based on their overall grade point average (GPA), 建筑学预科课程的GPA加上ENVD前缀, 以及在ENVD-172中创建的作品集. 尽早申请很重要, complete all freshman courses in the first year and maintain a solid academic record. 学生必须至少有3个.0 GPA to apply to the 研究生院 during the third or fourth year of the program.


Students in the second year of the program will be required to 购买 a laptop computer. 乐虎电子计算机类型的信息, 软件, 购买, and financing arrangements will be distributed to students prior to 购买.